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  • The anatomy of a ban

    emerging stronger and starker links between trade and environment have made the 1990s a momentous decade for environmentalists. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (gatt), which never

  • For a fairer science

    science and policy-oriented research has in recent decades had to address knowledge systems hitherto considered marginal to the mainstream discourse on science. Among the new themes that have

  • Finding a job

    What is saddest in India is that unemployment is not even a top issue of public and political concern today. The government does not have a think tank to identify public policies to deal with this problem

  • For whom the school bells toll?

    For whom the school bells toll?

    India s education policy has only sought to alienate the students and also deepen the urban rural divide<font class="UCASE">the </font> education system in India has faced a basic dilemma ever since its introduction by the British.

  • Tribals are being treated like stray cattle

    <font class='Question'> Twenty seven year old <font class='UCASE'>chekkoth karian janu</font> has never attended school. But this has not prevented her from becoming a champion of the rights of the adivasi community native to Wayanad Kerala to wh

  • Partisan and patently painful

    how many miles must a Bill traverse before you can call it an Act? Apparently, there is no end to this. The recent case of the secretary in the department of industrial development (ministry of

  • Landward bound

    Landward bound

    INVASIONS OF THE LAND Malcom S Gordon and Everett S Olson University Press, New York, 1995 that organic evolution on earth began first in the sea is certain, but the manner in which land was

  • Together we stand

    Together we stand

    However Long is Forever Michael Isaac and Viren Kanitkar 17 mins

  • Lillehammer


    One town in Europe has shown how to host a major world sporting event, with all its attendant chaos, and still avoid environmental devastation

  • Junking reality

    Junking reality

    The cleaning force of every country has an indispensable worker, the rag picker. But the health and safety of this person is conveniently ignored

  • I do not like the word sustainability

    The Danish minister of energy and environment, <font class='UCASE'>Svend Auken</font> , is widely respected for promoting environmental policies which honour the interests of both developing and industrialised countries. Auken spoke to <font class='UC

  • All for a change

    one would think that if more than 1,000 scientists belonging to various countries and working for 10 years, pointed out the grave danger posed by increasing carbon emissions to the climate as well

  • The unsustainable city

    The unsustainable city

    The debates, diatribes and rhetoric over the concept of sustainable cities have all been met with the resounding illogic of warped priorities: Southern cities have a resource crisis and Northern cities are plagued with over consumption. In terms of globa

  • We need to take the development path

    <font class='UCASE'>Herman E Daly</font> asks, What good is a sawmill without a forest? That sure is an unconventional question coming from an American economist, who is currently a senior research scholar at the University of Maryland, having served

  • Missing the target

    exposing the double-talk of the five nuclear states, especially the us, requires little doing; the recently concluded Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (ctbt) in Geneva offered a remarkable instance.

  • Patient hearings

    Patient hearings

    Government hospitals and doctors, who serve the largest segment of our population, need to be brought under the purview of consumer protection laws

  • Carrot and stick

    the book in review is a survey of the balance sheet for India from the Uruguay Round of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (gatt) negotiations. Dubey proceeds chapter-wise to analyse the

  • Numbers all the way

    the universe we live in is full of patterns. The regularity of seasons, the movement of heavenly bodies and the intricate pattern of waves on a beach are all ubiquitous patterns around us. The human

  • Wealth engenders debt

    Wealth engenders debt

    ... seems like a paradox, but when that wealth is produced by affluent countries through importing undervalued resources of the poorer regions, while exporting waste, they are consuming more environmental space than the boundaries of their own countrie

  • Cowering behind lies

    Cowering behind lies

    PETER B STONE presents an objective re examination of the recent scare over the mad cow disease in Europe

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