Food waste index report 2024
<p>The world wasted an estimated 19 per cent of the food produced globally in 2022, or about 1.05 billion metric tons, according to this new report by the UNEP.</p>
<p>The world wasted an estimated 19 per cent of the food produced globally in 2022, or about 1.05 billion metric tons, according to this new report by the UNEP.</p>
A demand to reintroduce a universal Public Distribution System (PDS) in the country appears every now and then. Its proponents argue that universal access is necessary for ensuring food security, for better control on prices and for eliminating (at least partially) the evils of exclusion errors in the targeted PDS.
A Bill of rights is no solution, improved PDS is Business Standard / New Delhi July 07, 2010, 0:19 IST
P. Sainath The official line is simple. Since we cannot afford to feed all the hungry, there must only be as many hungry as we can afford to feed.
Shimla, July 2 Improper storage and negligence continues to damage foodgrain stock of the Food Corporation of India (FCI). In fact, it had about 14,000 tonnes of totally damaged rice, wheat and paddy, which could not be issued for distribution at the start of the year.
Minister for Tribal Welfare and Scheduled Castes Welfare Kunwar Vijay Shah said that the problem of malnutrition among the tribals would be eradicated completely. Help of voluntary orgnaisaitons would also be sought in this direction, he added.
Food Security Bill Set For Radical Rewrite; To Benefit More, Add Nutritional Value M Rajshekhar NEW DELHI THE National Advisory Council (NAC), it appears, is set to radically rewrite the the Food Security Bill.
The National Advisory Council, chaired by Congress party president Sonia Gandhi, met for the second time today after its recent revival and unanimously endorsed the idea of universal access to the public distribution system in rural areas. It was agreed that a universalised PDS should be implemented initially in 150 districts, a member said.
Nistula Hebbar New Delhi: The proposal that the poor be given direct cash subsidy under the food security law when grain is not available may not go through with many members of the Sonia Gandhi-led National Advisory Council (NAC) denouncing the move.
<p>Food security has been a cause of concern for the Indian economy as the physical and economic access to food with adequate calorie content from different sources has been on the wane over time. The per capita net availability of cereals and pulses declined from 510 gms per day in 1991 to 436 gms in 2008 as per data thrown by the Economic Survey, Government of India, 2009-10.</p>