

  • Pallavaram yet to go miles in mitigating civic woes

    K. Manikandan Poor roads, illegal water connections, delayed projects hinder growth SHADOW OF WATERBODY: Many waterbodies in Pallavaram Municipality are in dire need of rejuvenation. A case in point is the Ramasamy Kulam near Pallavaram Railway Station. TAMBARAM: Pallavaram Municipality presents a unique, contrary picture of massive development works in progress and deteriorating condition of civic amenities.

  • Fill potholes in 24 hrs of receiving complaint'

    MCD chief warns junior officials of strict disciplinary action if they fail The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has ordered disciplinary action against negligent junior officials, who fail to act on complaints of potholes on roads within 24 hours of getting them. The move comes in the wake of potholes becoming a major concern following numerous complaints and criticism, and a standing committee meeting today. MCD chief K S Mehra specified that Junior Engineers in each ward will attend to complaints filed by residents within 24 hours.

  • New road to benefit plantations

    A new road connecting Dehiowita, Deraniyagala and Noori Plantation will be built at a cost of 100 million rupees, the biggest road construction project in the area after the British built roads for plantations, Minister of Consumer Affairs and Cooperatives H. R. Mithrapala said yesterday (14). Since the area had several tea and rubber plantations, the new road will benefit the plantations as well as the villages, he said.

  • Haryana gets five new road projects

    CHANDIGARH: Five big road projects would be implemented in Haryana at a cost of Rs.2,629 crore and their foundation stones would be laid by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, said Deepender Singh Hooda, MP, on Tuesday after meeting Dr. Singh in New Delhi.

  • Vigilance blows lid off Rs 1-crore scam in East-West Corridor project

    NH-57 land acquisition Six government officials arrested, four absconding The state Vigilance Department has unearthed a Rs one crore scam in the land acquisition process for the East-West Corridor along the National Highway-57 in Madhubani. Illegal payments have been made allegedly in at least 30 cases. The department has booked 10 government officials, including Madhubani Land Acquisition officer Shyam Kishore Prasad in this connection.

  • SCR, state fight on road widening

    Hyderabad, July 14: The South Central Railway and the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation have flung accusations at each other before the High Court over the acquisition of railway properties for road widening between Tarnaka and Sangeet theatre in the city. The Special Deputy Collector for Land Acquisition in GHMC had issued a notification for acquiring railway properties on May 30 this year. The SCR challenged the notification and the High Court stayed the notification till further orders.

  • Road level

    The absence of scientific urban planning has marred the city's growth, as it is not developing in the manner it should. Utter chaos marks the city's growth

  • Kundli-Palwal expressway on schedule

    CHANDIGARH: Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda said on Thursday that the 135.65-km-long Kundli-Manesar Palwal Expressway (KMP Expressway) would be completed on schedule by the middle of 2009 at a cost of Rs.1,915 crore. The total project cost of the country's longest expressway does not include the cost of land, Rs.630 crore. Aerial survey

  • Rs. 944 crore for road network in Haryana

    CHANDIGARH: While speeding up activity to further strengthen and improve the network of roads in Haryana, the State Public Works (Building and Roads) Department has allotted 12 more works involving an investment of Rs.944.23 crore, Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda said on Tuesday. Other projects He further disclosed that 15 other projects involving an investment of Rs.82.05 crore had either been completed or were nearing completion.

  • Roads condition deteriorate: Quality factor missing

    Hardly has the monsoon commenced and the roads have started to tear apart. As per recent information, the newly constructed road from Bhopal to Raisen has started deteriorating and the gravel and other materials used in its construction has come on the side of the road. The same fate is of Chhindwara-Seoni road. In the State capital and nearby areas also, the recent rains have resulted in damage to roads. All this proves that the quality aspect was not taken care of during construction of the roads.

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