Rain saves forests from fire this summer
BENGALURU: Copious pre-monsoon rain has reduced the risk of forest fires in the state this summer. In the past two months, Karnataka has seen no major incident, according to the forest department. Though
BENGALURU: Copious pre-monsoon rain has reduced the risk of forest fires in the state this summer. In the past two months, Karnataka has seen no major incident, according to the forest department. Though
All those tribals who come under Forest Rights Act must be identified and provided with all the facilities, said Deputy Commissioner K H Ashwathanarayana Gowda.
New Delhi: The Ministry of Environment and Forests has turned down the Kerala government
Responding to the crisis, Ajjinanda Poovaiah, an activist of the NGO, Wildlife first, filed a well-researched complaint before the Karnataka Lokayukta (state ombudsman) in February 2003, alleging official corruption and mismanagement under the project.
SANJAY GUBBI Conservation activist A highway through Nagarahole National Park threatens wildlife
Economic valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services is possibly the most powerful tool for halting the loss of biodiversity while maintaining incomes and livelihoods. Yet rarely have such approaches been applied to tropical forest "hotspots", which house the vast majority of the planet's plant and animal species. This groundbreaking work is the most comprehensive and detailed examination of the economics of environmental valuation and biodiversity conservation to date.
What do tribal children living in Nagarhole National Park in Karnataka learn at school? Take pride in what they are, reports NITIN SETHI
To count the tiger
The Union government shoots down a hotel project within a Karnataka national park
The Nagarhole ecodevelopment project does not give tribals an option
This indicative plan has based on the work of field/park directors and their colleagues in the eight protected areas, and of various non-governmental organisations involved in carrying out PRA in the proposed project area.