

  • Chips dip

    The electronics industry is being threatened by yet another period of scarcity, with reports that the demand for polycrystalline silicon is outstripping supply (The Electronics and

  • Face to face

    Face to face

    Scientists at Tubingen University, Germany, have dared to prove the impossible that the human brain and its impulses could turn the computer keyboard and mouse into extinct species

  • A wonderful storm

    The cyclone type furnace capable Of achieving greater combustion efficiency and producing high temperatures is sure to be a hot favourite with industrialists

  • Chip beats

    Chip beats

    The new computer aided tabla an Indian percussion instrument may not give the human gurus a run for their money, but it is linking hi tech with performing arts. The device offers connoisseurs a hassle free opportunity to pick up the art

  • Herb to the rescue

    A NEW herbal drug developed by scientists at the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), could not have come a moment sooner for those trying to grapple with the menace of malaria.

  • Tiny buzzer

    Tiny buzzer

    A cordless telephone, about the size of a cigarette pack is Japan's sensational new entry to the world wide mobile phone bazaar. It is now just a matter of time before its beep rings in Indian homes

  • Shamans. mystics and doctors

    Controlled scientific studies have shown that techniques like meditation can help cure depression, anxiety, diabetes, ulcers, asthma, cardiac pain and alcoholism

  • Flowing study

    Meandering water channels always follow a gently winding path. Why this happens has been explained with the help of a model developed by physicists Taniemola Liverpool and Sam Edwards,


    With floods in Bangladesh occurring every year leading to severe loss of infrastructure and causing a lot othardship to the people, the Japanese have come forward th a loan of US $5.22 million to

  • The original Mus

    The original Mus

    Researchers zero in on the Indian subcontinent as the possible birthplace of that most evasive of pesky mammals the house mouse

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