
Business Recorder (Pakistan)

  • $100 million ethanol plant in the doldrums

    A private firm's $100 million plan of setting up maize-based ethanol generation plant near Port Qasim Karachi has been not been implemented so far. Sources in Sindh government told Business Recorder on Monday that poor law and order and political instability in the country had put the project in doldrums, as the foreign investor company is reluctant to invest here in such circumstances.

  • 314 small dams development plan approved

    The National Economic Council, which met here on Monday, approved the national programme of small dams, under which the government will construct 314 dams across the country. Total cost of the programme has been estimated at Rs 54 billion. The PSDP allocation for next fiscal is Rs 10 billion. These dams will be constructed over a period of 4 years. According to the document of NEC, 23 small dams will be constructed in NWFP, 43 in Punjab, 23 in Sindh, 215 in Balochistan and 10 in Federal Area. The hydro potential will also be harnessed.

  • Talks on Kishan Ganga project stalled

    Negotiations between the Pakistan Indus Basin Water Commission and its India counterpart stalled on the Kishan Ganga dam for the third consecutive day. Pakistan has raised six objections on the project design, but were rejected by Indian Commissioner Oranga Nathan.

  • No headway in Indus Basin Water Commission meeting

    Pakistan Indus Basin Water Commission (PIWC) and Indian Indus Basin Water Commission (IIWC) could not make any progress in their meeting on the second day. The PIWC Commissioner Jamaat Ali Shah disclosed this to journalists after eight-hour long meeting between the commissions of the two sides here on Sunday.

  • Pakistan and India experts to inspect Baglihar, Neelum-Jhelum projects

    Pakistan and India have allowed each other's technical experts to inspect the Baglihar dam and Neelum-Jhelum project sites. The decision was taken in the meeting of the Indo-Pak Indus Water Commission held here on Saturday. India has assured Pakistan that Baglihar dam is being constructed in accordance with the suggestions of WB neutral expert.

  • SBP stresses need for policies to increase agriculture productivity

    The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) in its third quarterly report on Saturday said that increased production of agriculture commodities would help reduce the current account deficit. THE DISAPPOINTING HARVESTS OF KEY CASH CROPS ARE PARTICULARLY TROUBLING FOR PAKISTAN: "The raise in the commodity production would not only raise farm incomes and help reduce poverty but would also help narrow the country's current account deficit through import substitution and higher exports, as well as help contain domestic inflation," the report said.

  • Kishanganga project part of Indus Water Commission meeting agenda

    Indian Indus Water Treaty Commissioner Aranga Nathan on Friday said that the Kishanganga power project was part of the agenda to be discussed in the 100th Commission meeting. He said that no talk would take place on Baglihar dam, since it was a closed issue, and the World Bank's changes on its design were binding on them; thus, "yes it is being implemented".

  • Turkish investment in windmill energy project hailed

    Pakistan-Turkey Business Council (PTBC) of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industries (FPCCI) Chairman Amjad Rafi has welcomed Zorlu Group from Turkey, which has made investment in Pakistan in windmill energy project at Jhampir, Sindh. The project is estimated to cost around 300 millions dollars and on completion will produce substantial energy for Sindh. Chairman Amjad Rafi and FPCCI Board of Directors, PTBC, have congratulated Zorlu Group for undertaking the groundbreaking ceremony of the project.

  • Government spending Rs one billion on agriculture research

    The Punjab government is spending Rs one billion to overcome food crisis and attaining self-sufficiency by adopting modern scientific methodology in agriculture sector. This was stated by Chief Executive, Punjab Agriculture Research Board (PARB) Dr Mubarik Ali while talking to APP here on Sunday.

  • Water level in dams to improve soon

    Sources Irrigation Department have said that the deficiency of water in the canals of southern Punjab would be soon overcome. The water level in the dams has improved due to rains in northern areas and with the melting of ice on the glaciers. They said that the shortage of water in the sowing season of cotton would be removed within three to four days because now the water level in the dams is satisfactory. The water situation in the canals is better as compared to last month. The situation of water in more than 70 percent areas would soon come to normal.

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