In what format and under what timeframe would China take on climate commitments? a roadmap to 2050
Given that China is already the world
Given that China is already the world
This publication reviews changes in global forest cover and root causes of forest loss, including weak forest governance particularly in public-owned forests. It also highlights innovative practices in conserving forests and securing livelihoods of forest-dependent communities.
Deforestation, mainly conversion of forests for agriculture activities, has been estimated at an alarming rate of 13 million hectares per year (in the period 1990-2005). Deforestation results in immediate release of the carbon stored in trees as CO2 emissions. It is estimated that deforestation contributed globally to approximately 20 per cent of annual greenhouse gas emissions in the 1990s.
The US submission to the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) proposes an agreed outcome for the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference in the form of
Climate change impacts such as more frequent and severe floods and droughts will affect the food and water security of many people. The impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems, fisheries and aquaculture, however, is not as well known.
Sustainable development depends on intact ecosystems and their services. This is why environmental protection in the context of sustainable development is a key concern in development cooperation.
In a region already considered the world's most water scarce and where, in many places, demand for water already outstrips supply, climate models are predicting a hotter, drier and less predictable climate in the Middle East. By redrawing maps of water availability, food security, disease prevalence, population
Over the past three decades, there has been a rapid expansion of processed food exports in developing countries, replacing traditional agriculture exports such as coffee and tea. However, this development and its policy implications have received little attention in the literature.
This paper reviews the literature on the fiscal policy instruments commonly used to reduce transport sector externalities. The findings show that congestion charges would reduce vehicle traffic by 9 to 12 percent and significantly improve environmental quality. The vehicle tax literature suggests that every 1 percent increase in vehicle taxes would reduce vehicle miles by 0.22 to 0.45
The objective of this study is to validate the World Food Programme
This latest report examines the current state of knowledge and research needs with respect to global trends in oil palm production and their impact on the environment and livelihoods, including impacts on deforestation and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Also focuses on the impacts of increased cultivation for biofuel production.
This report aims to improve understanding about the linkages between trade and climate change. It shows that trade intersects with climate change in a multitude of ways. The report begins with a summary of the current state of scientific knowledge on climate change and on the options available for responding to the challenge of climate change.
This report contains ideas and proposals on the elements contained in paragraph 1 of the Bali Action Plan, focusing on technology. It was originally submitted by UNEP to the UNFCCC in December 2008 as an input to the deliberations
Companies from the emerging economies are a growing feature of the global mining industry. This document looks at who these companies are and the factors behind their growth. Discusses few challenges the emerging players will face as a result of the global economic crisis and also focuses on the development implications of their growing role.
As biofuel production ramps up, WRI economist Liz Marshall explains in this factsheet, why counting all the greenhouse gas impacts associated with producing these new fuels is critical to good energy and climate policy.
Wind and solar power could become a major source of electricity for the United States, but only if the nation adopts new policies that promote renewable energy and that place a price on carbon. The report cites figures showing that renewable energy sources currently provide only a small fraction of U.S.
As multiple countries share a river, the likelihood of a water resource conflict from climate change could be higher between countries. This paper demonstrates how countries can cooperate in transboundary water sharing in a sustainable way, given the
This publication reports on the human and economic losses caused by natural disasters in 2008 with figures based on the EM-DAT database with comparisons to previous years. It asserts that although fewer disasters occurred in 2008, events had a larger impact than usual on human settlements. In 2008 once again, large numbers of persons were affected by a few natural disasters.
Food Outlook provides information on latest developments in agricultural markets and sets the global and regional commodity production, utilization, trade and price context for food security.
This issues paper firstly analyzes the vicious spiral between climate change impacts, ecosystem degradation and increased risk of climate-related disasters; secondly, defines the central role of ecosystem management in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction and their multifaceted linkages; and thirdly, assesses the challenges for enhanced ecosystem management for climate change adap