The Montreal Protocol must regulate HFCs to prevent exacerbation of global climate change while restoring the ozone layer
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that De
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that De
This multi-agency study was designed to prepare a co-benefit action plan for air pollution control in Hyderabad, India, with base year 2006. The program included a year long source apportionment study, bottom-up air pollution analysis and co-benefits analysis of the city action plan.
A way forward is needed for the post-2012 period to address the threat of global climate change. The Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements is an international, multi-year, multi-disciplinary effort to help identify the key design elements of a scientifically sound, economically rational, and politically pragmatic post-2012 international policy architecture.
The conservation survey report on hornbills and endemic birds across the Western Ghats. Proposes recommendations to Government of India for reinstating the Malabar pied hornbill, Malabar and Indian grey hornbill in Schedule I of the Wildlife (Protection) Act. <!--br-->
This manual attempts to set out the systems and standard processes that could be followed for decentralised planning. It aims to provide guidance on how the considerable capacities of line departments and experts can from now on, subserve this process of empowered planning by local governance. This manual comprises two volumes.
Coastal and marine ecosystems provide vitally important goods and services to countries in the Caribbean. This study looks at only three out of the many culturally and economically valuable services provided by these ecosystems in Belize. Even within this narrowed scope, this study finds that the country
IMD's long range forecast for the seasonal rainfall over the country as a whole and over different homogenous regions except northwest India have been accurate. However, the seasonal rainfall over northwest India and rainfall during July for the country as a whole have not been accurate.
This report is a synthesis of Innovations in Wildlife Conservation: Reducing the Impact of Global Warming on Wildlife, a national symposium hosted by Defenders of Wildlife in 2007. Scientists presented the latest scientific findings and outlined the challenges related to the impacts of global warming.
The current debate over biofuels produced from food crops has pinned a lot of hope on
Global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emis
Planning for development in rapidly urbanizing Asia requires a fresh look. This book contrasts the urban development experiences and practices of the two giant countries in Asia: the People
Air quality management (AQM) is still a major challenge in Asia. The fast growing Asian economies and continued urbanization have increased the demand for mobility and energy in the region, resulting in high levels of air pollution in cities from transport, industry and other sources. This report presents an update on efforts and progress to improving air quality in
Global warming is confronting developing countries across the globe with enormous challenges not of their own making. The impacts of a warming world are now threatening to set back progress in improving the quality of life for billions of people. Water resources are likely to be impacted early and strongly in many countries; developing countries, however, are the most vulnerable.
The poorest countries are suffering most from climate change. It endangers successes in poverty alleviation and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals as well as the ecological, economic and social stability of developing countries. For this reason, tackling climate change is also one of the main elements of sustainable development.
This workshop examined the threats that climate change and the fragmentation of natural ecosystems pose to mountain environments. The focus was on mountains, and specifi cally those conservation connectivity corridors which include transboundary protected areas. The workshop endeavoured to assist the
The GEF is the largest financial institution with the mandate, ability, and experience to address current and future challenges to shared freshwater and marine systems. Because of their transboundary nature these multicountry waterbodies and marine systems represent international public goods.
Traditional farming systems and conservation of local cultivars and associated indigenous knowledge are under threat and growing pressure resulting in genetic erosion of crop diversity. These systems are an essential component of sustainable crop
This study provides an insight on the role of tropical forests in the functioning of watersheds and the affect on agriculture and farmers?. Its findings are of particular importance for policy makers across South Asia, where large populations use forests and water resources intensively.
Genetically engineered (GE) crops