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  • Munda multipurpose dam project: clarification

    Apropos a news item carried by a section of press, Munda Hydropower Project said the news item casts unjust and inappropriate aspersions on the concerted and sincere efforts of the sponsors towards developing of the MMDP. A mega hydropower project awarded for the first time not only in the history of Pakistan but in the world for development in the private sector under the Pakistan Policy for Power Projects Year 2002.

  • Big Business Muddies EU's Biofuels Debate

    Soaring food prices and starving children provide a stirring backdrop to Europe's debate on its biofuels targets, but the big businesses of farming, forestry and automotive could have a heavier influence on policy. The green credentials of biofuels have come under attack in recent weeks over fears they compete for farming land and push up food prices around the world. Riots over food in more than a dozen countries, from Indonesia to Haiti, have added urgency to the debate.

  • Architectural edn should focus on global warming

    Architectural education will have to focus on the need for mobility of architects and the university courses on global warming. The architects are also required to address issues like natural disasters and rising energy prices while undertaking rebuilding and sustainable development. This was stated by Architect Ga

  • Gas Prices Expected to Peak in June

    With gasoline prices at record highs, a station in Nashville posted prices in terms other than dollars and cents on Sunday. Gasoline sells currently for $3.61 a gallon on average, AAA says. Oil jumped to another record on Tuesday, and the government said it expected gasoline prices to peak at a national average of $3.73 a gallon in June, just as the summer driving season kicks off. )

  • CNG conversion kits prices at historic peak

    The CNG conversion kits prices reached historic peak after witnessing 10 percent further increase following the fresh hike in petroleum products. The prices of CNG kits were earlier increased twice soon after the increase in gasoline rates, which had been raised four times during the last two months.

  • Average gasoline price rises to record Y159.20 per liter

    Japan's average retail price of regular gasoline rose to an all-time high of 159.20 yen per liter as of Monday, surpassing the previous record of 155.50 yen set last December, the Oil Information Center said Wednesday. The average price was up 5.80 yen from last Thursday, when many gas stations raised retail gasoline prices on the revival of an extra tax of 25.10 yen per liter.

  • Transit systems travel 'green' track

    This year, the surging current of the East River will help provide power to a nearby subway station. The lights that lace the ornate interior of Manhattan's Grand Central Station have largely been replaced by bulbs that burn brightly but save energy. There are plans to make the rooftop of a Queens bus depot bloom like a garden. "Carbon footprint" has become part of the national lexicon, and mass transit systems throughout the country are taking steps to ease their impact on the environment even as they strive to provide more service to a growing number of riders.

  • Argentina, Brazil May See Change In Paraguay Dam Deal

    Argentina, Brazil May See Change In Paraguay Dam Deal PARAGUAY: April 9, 2008 ASUNCION - South American giants Argentina and Brazil are grappling with energy shortfalls as their economies roar, and could soon face calls to pay more for key power supplies from their poor neighbour Paraguay. Both regional powerhouses jointly own hydroelectric plants with Paraguay and benefit from decades-old deals that provide them with electricity at cut-rate prices.

  • Oil Companies Settle MTBE Groundwater Suit - Report

    A dozen oil companies agreed to pay $423 million in cash plus clean-up costs to settle litigation over groundwater contamination from the gasoline additive, MTBE, lawyers representing public water utilities and public agencies in 17 states, told Reuters. The settlement, filed in the US District Court in Manhattan, involves BP America Inc, Chevron Corp, ConocoPhillips, Shell Oil Co, Marathon Oil Corp, Venezuela's Citgo Petroleum Corp, Sunoco Inc and Valero Energy Corp, the newspaper said.

  • US Says OPEC To Earn Almost $1 Trillion From Oil

    US Says OPEC To Earn Almost $1 Trillion From Oil US: April 14, 2008 WASHINGTON - OPEC member nations are expected to rake in almost $1 trillion this year from their oil exports due to record crude prices, according to the US government's top energy forecasting agency.

  • US Senate Democrats Unveil New Energy Tax Plan

    Democrats in the Senate Wednesday unveiled a new energy package that would revoke $17 billion in tax breaks extended to big oil companies like Exxon Mobil Corp and slap a 25 percent windfall profits tax on firms that don't invest in new energy sources. The day that US oil prices hit an all-time peak of $123.93 a barrel, Democrats moved to act on soaring gasoline pump prices, which are a growing political liability in the November presidential election.

  • Ctg businesses for speedy gas exploration to face crisis

    CCCI chief Saifuzzaman Chowdhury speaks at a press briefing. Business leaders of Chittagong yesterday urged the government for expediting gas exploration to cope with the countrywide gas crisis. The businesses of Chittagong that have a concentration on heavy industries are also apprehending that new investment in Chittagong may come to a standstill due to government's recent decision not to give any new gas connection in the region. They said the decision would not only frustrate the entrepreneurs but also seriously hold back the flow of foreign direct investment in the country.

  • NSW power play stirs up a giant of global warming

    NSW power play stirs up a giant of global warming SOONER or later, some anti-privatisation activist will start doing background checks on China Huaneng Group, which is at the front of the queue to bid for $15 billion in NSW power assets. They'll see that Sydney might soon be powered by the world's biggest corporate contributor to global warming.

  • Special cabinet meeting on energy crisis soon: Gilani

    A special meeting of the Federal cabinet will be called shortly in which various proposals to effectively resolve the energy crisis will be discussed with all the stakeholders. Prime Minister Syed Yusuf Raza Gilani stated this while addressing MNAs, MPAs and office-bearers of the Pakistan People's Party at the State Guest House here on Saturday.

  • Chinese firm offers to install less energy consuming lights in Karachi

    The Chinese centre One Telecom International Holding Limited has offered to install very low consuming and zero power search LED solar lights at different places in Karachi, especially parks under Pak-China joint venture. A delegation of the company, led by its Deputy General Manager Yu Ping, called on acting City Nazim Nasrin Jalil at her office here on Saturday. The delegation informed acting City Nazim: "The LED solar lights not only consumes very low energy, but also flashes provide sharp lighting and has a life span of 20 years."

  • Energy conservation: Cabinet to consider Enercon plan shortly

    The Cabinet will shortly consider energy conservation plan put forward by the Enercon, it has been reliably learnt. Sources told Business Recorder that recently Enercon presented a proposal recommending conserving energy. Therefore, a meeting of all stakeholders and concerned departments has been called to discuss the issue.

  • Gas Cracker Project on time: GAIL chief

    After Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilizers, Bijoy Krishna Handique, it was the turn of Chairman-Cum- Managing-Director (CMD) of Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL), Dr UD Choubey today, to allay apprehension over Assam Gas Cracker Project, assuring that it would be completed within the scheduled time. The project is moving very smoothly as per schedule and is expected to be completed within the stipulated time, said Dr Choubey, addressing a press conference here today.

  • Special Cabinet meeting on energy crisis today

    The federal cabinet is holding a special meeting on Wednesday (today) to discuss the energy crisis going on in the country. Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani will preside over the meeting. It is one point agenda meeting with a purpose to find out some workable solution to the energy crisis. The last federal cabinet meeting had discussed energy crisis but due to seriousness of the crisis it decided to hold a special meeting for finding some solution to the problem. The energy crisis is turning worst with each passing day and it demands of the government a quick workable solution.

  • Bengal guv crosses ruler/ruled power divide

    Jug Suraiya Bengal governor Gopal Gandhi has committed an unpardonable sin and has, rightly, been taken sternly to task by chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee and other state leaders. Governor Gandhi's lapse? In order to show solidarity with the citizens of Kolkata, and other parts of Bengal, who are suffering from long power cuts, the governor voluntarily had all the lights and electrical appliances in Raj Bhavan switched off for two hours.

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