
Food Supply

  • India expresses concern on foodgrains for bio-fuel

    India today expressed concern on the diversion of foodgrains to bio-fuel production. At an international forum it firmly rejected the West's point of view that higher consumption in emerging economies was the reason behind the rising global food prices in the world.

  • Billions pledged at food summit

    U.N. officials announced almost $3 billion of emergency aid to help ease the global food crisis on Wednesday, but U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon warned up to $20 billion a year would be needed. "We simply cannot afford to fail," said Mr.-1 Ban at the food security summit in Rome, which is grappling with how to stop the crisis escalating. "Hundreds of millions of people expect no less."

  • Food-for-all plan to cost $30b/yr

    Rome: Faced with an immediate hunger crisis and the need to double food production in the next 30 years, world leaders meeting on Tuesday to discuss soaring food prices were mostly in agreement on how the problem could be resolved. The questions were how to get there and who was going to pay for it. The steps needed? Immediately deliver more food aid to the world's hungry. Provide small farmers with seeds and fertilizer. Scrap export bans and restrictions. And vastly increase agriculture research and outreach programs to improve crop production.

  • U.N. task force action plan to tackle food crisis

    The United Nations plans to expand assistance through food aid, vouchers or cash, scale up nutritional support, and improve safety nets and social protection programmes to help the most vulnerable sections caught in the food crisis and price spiral. This comes as part of the Comprehensive Framework for Action (CFA) prepared by a high-level task force established and chaired by the Secretary-General. "It is intended to be a guide for global and national actors, both institutions and governments, and a catalyst for action that needs to start now,' says a UNIC communiqu

  • Food production must rise 50% by '30: UN chief

    Rome: World food production must rise by 50% by 2030 to meet increasing demand, UN chief Ban Ki-moon told world leaders on Tuesday at a summit grappling with hunger and civil unrest caused by food price hikes. The secretary-general told the Rome summit that nations must minimize export restrictions and import tariffs during the food price crisis and quickly resolve world trade talks. "The world needs to produce more food,' Ban said.

  • Big agri-biz booms amid global crisis

    MNCs Dealing In Seeds, Foodgrains, Fertilizers Flourish

  • U.N. chief calls for 50 p.c. increase in food production

    At FAO summit, Ban reminds world leaders of the severity and scale of crisis U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon mapped out a twin-track strategy to tackle soaring food prices as world leaders met for a three-day summit on Tuesday in a global response to the food crisis. "You all know about the severity and scale of the global food crisis. Before this emergency, more than 850 million people in the world were short of food,' said Mr. Ban at the summit, hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

  • 1,052 tonnes of wheat allocated

    The Rajasthan Government on Tuesday allocated 1,052.93 metric tonnes of wheat for each month up to September this year for providing food security to the poorest sections of society in the urban and rural areas of the State under the Annapoorna Yojana. Food and Civil Supplies Minister Ghanshyam Tiwari said here that the scheme would be operated as part of the targeted public distribution system to benefit about 1.05 lakh people across the State. The Food and Civil Supplies Department has instructed the District Supply Officers to disburse wheat to all beneficiaries strictly on schedule.

  • India well placed to tide over food crisis

    by Harender Raj Gautam THE Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations is holding an emergency meeting of heads of states from June 3 to 5, 2008, to discuss "World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bio-energy.' World foodgrain stocks are at historic lows and there is enough only for three months. World over, food prices have almost doubled in the last three years, threatening to push 100 million people into absolute poverty. The threat of hunger and malnutrition is growing. Millions of the world's most vulnerable people are at risk.

  • EU struggles on remedies for rising food and oil prices

    European Union finance ministers struggled yesterday to forge a response to food and fuel price inflation, proposing remedies from windfall taxes on oil companies to the suspension of various food import tariffs. Several ministers, notably Wilhelm Molterer of Austria, denounced what they termed "speculation" on commodities futures markets, saying it partly accounted for recent increases in food and oil prices. But the attack attracted little support and was omitted from a letter to EU heads of state and government, who will discuss food price inflation at a Brussels summit on June 19.

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