Food waste index report 2024
<p>The world wasted an estimated 19 per cent of the food produced globally in 2022, or about 1.05 billion metric tons, according to this new report by the UNEP.</p>
<p>The world wasted an estimated 19 per cent of the food produced globally in 2022, or about 1.05 billion metric tons, according to this new report by the UNEP.</p>
Common Wealth Economics for a Crowded Planet By Jeffrey D. Sachs 386 pages. $27.95. The Penguin Press.
The Punjab government has asked the Centre to include the entire state in the National Food Security Mission (NFSM)-Rice to ensure better contribution to the Central Pool of food-grains on one hand and the long-term National Food Security due to improved ecological sustainability of agriculture production pattern in the state, on the other.
There are serious concerns about the entry of organised retailing in the Indian food sector. What impact will it have on farmers,
Rubbishing claims by western leaders that the current food crisis was caused by the growing consumption in India and China, BRIC foreign ministers on Friday sought a "just" global economy keeping in view interests of all nations. "There are multiple reasons for the current food crisis, primarily due to recent cyclones in Bangladesh and Burma, which destroyed the entire rice crops in these countries, also exporters of rice.
How can countries cope in the short and medium term with the sharp rise in wheat prices? The global movements of the past suggest that in the case of wheat, prices are influenced by the stock and output policies of just a handful of countries. It would be dangerous for large countries like China and India to depend on the global market for their food security. And it is time world bodies consider establishing a global reserve to help food-deficit countries in times of crisis.
News from Burma keeps getting worse: dire poverty, murderous repression and now cyclone Nargis has killed some 100,000 people. Disease and starvation could push the toll over the million mark as the country's despots, unbelievably, impede emergency aid while exporting rice - literally making a killing on inflated international prices. Burma is suffering even more than it might because it neglected its farms.
As a war of words rages over biofuels and their impact on world food supplies, researchers in India are promoting sweet sorghum as a crop that combines the best of both worlds. The plants, which grow three metres high in dry conditions, yield grain that can be eaten by people or animals; their stalks provide sweet juice for bioethanol production and a crushed residue that can be burnt or fed to cattle.
FOOTBALL-SIZED tomotoes, carrot-sized chillies and pumpkins that look like huge round rocks are what Chinese are growing to make a
Governments are set to miss a self-imposed goal of slowing the rate of extinctions by 2010 and as a result are putting long-term food supplies at risk, a top environmentalist said before a UN biodiversity conference. Jim Leape, Director General of the WWF, told Reuters that countries at the May 19-30 UN Convention on Biological Diversity meeting in the German city of Bonn must admit they are doing too little and step up their commitments.
<font class="UCASE">palaniappan </font> Chidambaram, India's finance minister, is angry about the global food crisis. This senior member of the international