Changing climates: the heat is (still) on
The world is getting warmer and natural hazards are becoming more intense, likely bringing higher economic losses in the future. Today, four major weather perils result in expected economic losses of USD
The world is getting warmer and natural hazards are becoming more intense, likely bringing higher economic losses in the future. Today, four major weather perils result in expected economic losses of USD
The Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC) has published Capturing Green Recovery Opportunities from Wind Power in Developing Economies. The report, written in collaboration with BVG Associates, highlights
Even though Indigenous Peoples’ practices have little impact on greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, climate change and extreme weather events aggravated by the COVID-19 health crisis have had
Overall, Metro Manila’s total SUTI score is relatively high compared to other Asian cities. The public transport system of the Philippines is relatively unique in the sense that majority of its public
The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent enforcement of mobility restrictions have created bottlenecks in the agri-food system. When the food supply chain is disrupted, economic loss occurs, putting rural
The race to develop liquified natural gas (LNG) facilities in the Philippines has gone from a marathon to a sprint but potential LNG investors must proceed at their own risk, according to a new report
This report presents domestic emissions pathways required to keep to the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit for five countries: Viet Nam, Philippines, India, Indonesia and Japan and assesses if current 2030
For nearly 30 years, the rates of both wasting and stunting in the Philippines have been nearly flat. For 2019, the rate of stunting among children under five years of age (28.8 percent) was only slightly
Southeast Asia is one of the hotspots for global energy development. This report by Climate Analytics, supported by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, looks into the need to stop the expansion of coal and phasing
This publication analyzes the use of clean and efficient cooking technologies in the Philippines and identifies opportunities and challenges to fast-track their uptake. In Asia and the Pacific, 1.8 billion