Global climate change policy tracker: an investors assessment - executive summary
DB Climate Change Advisors has collected information on approximately 270 climate change targets
DB Climate Change Advisors has collected information on approximately 270 climate change targets
This report prepared by DB Climate Change Advisors (Deutsche Bank Group) and Columbia Climate Center at the Earth Institute, Columbia University, provides investors with an analysis of climate change policies and assigns a risk rating to 109 countries, states and regions based on key government mandates and supporting policy frameworks.
Watch this first in a series of videos released by US Senator Barbara Boxer discussing the ongoing debate surrounding climate change legislation. In anticipation of the first Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act, beginning October 27, Senator Boxer highlights the critical need for American leadership on climate change.
Tigers are symbols of all that is powerful, mystical, and beautiful in nature. But wild tigers are in crisis, having fallen in numbers from about 100,000 in 1900 to just 3,200 today as a result of adverse human activities, including habitat destruction and a huge illegal trade in tiger parts. The decline continues to this day.
The resolution passed by Communist Party of India (Marxist)on its position on climate change negotiation to be held at Copenhagen.It states that any deviation from the spirit of Kyoto will compromise India's relationship with rest of the developing world & critiques National action plan on climate change for being silent on redistribution of energy access between rich and the poor.
A two day high-level conference on "Climate Change: Technology Development and Transfer" hosted by India and UN-DESA successfully concluded on 23 October 2009 with the adoption of the Delhi Statement on Global Cooperation on Climate Technology. An international exhibition on climate technologies was also organised at the sidelines of the conference.
<div> Report of the Sub-Committee constituted by the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MOEF) in pursuance to the Direction of Hon’ble High Court of Judicature of Andhra Pradesh at Hyderabad
Comments by Doug Gurian-Sherman on the Report of the Expert Committee (EC-II) on Bt Brinjal Event EE-1 (developed by: M/s Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Ltd. (Mahyco) and partners, and submitted to the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, New Delhi, October 8 2009).
In 2009, all 41 Annex I Parties included in Annex I to the Convention (Annex I Parties) submitted their greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory common reporting format tables, 34 of them by the deadline of 15 April; all 41 Parties provided a national inventory report, 30 of them by the deadline.
Rich countries led by the US were determined to bury the Kyoto Protocol and sought framing a new declaration. The US said it would not ratify Kyoto Protocol; the European Union suggested parts of Kyoto Protocol could be accommodated in a new legal instrument. Japan, the other major party to Kyoto Protocol, too expressed reservations about continuing under the Kyoto regime.
With each UNFCCC meeting, one is apprised of the galloping pace at which climate change is affecting the planet. Extremes of weather and natural disasters have become commonplace, with devastating floods in Africa and Asia, extreme cold or heat waves in Europe and the spectre of hurricanes in the Americas.
Corrigendum from Ministry of Environment & Forests regarding diversion of 1840 ha of reserved forest land for development of port based Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Mundra and Dhrub villages of Mundra
This document contains the Presentation made by Krishna Kumar, IITM-Pune, to Shri Jairam Ramesh, Hon. Minister of Environment and Forests, on 14 Oct. 2009 in New Delhi. The presentation is focused on the impact of climate change on India
A public hearing was conducted under the president ship of shri Niranjan Baruah, Additional Dy. Commissioner, Tinsukia on 14.10.2009 at 10.40 am at Lekhapani Forest Inspection Bunglow on Lekhapani Open Cast Project of Coal India Limited,, Margherita.
This document is the first issue of new Policy Brief series, presented by Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI). These briefs are designed to provide timely analysis and policy guidance on emerging subsidy issues. The first brief canvasses the G-20 recent call to phase out subsidies to fossil fuels and considers how to turn the announcement into action.
This report by Christian Aid analyses whether CCS could be a suitable technology for cutting down India's carbon dioxide emissions and also explores how CCS might be developed and deployed in the Indian context.
This is the Press release by Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh. He chaired a meeting of the National Council on Climate Change to give shape to the National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change and underlined the importance of developing our own skills, knowledge and capacities in the science of climate change. He suggested an integrated approach to capacity building.
At the outset the District Environmental Engineer, Tamil Nadu Pollution Control Board, Cuddalore welcomed the District Collector, officials from M/s.Tannex Power Generation Limited and the general public of the villages. Further District Collector briefed about the project and asked the project proponent to explain about the
State Government had formulated Industrial Policies in 1978, 1982, 1989,1992, 1996 and last Industrial Policy of Punjab was notified in March, 2003. The objectives of the last policy were to create conducive investment climate through infrastructure creation and to make the small scale industry competitive.
Shyam Saran, the Prime Minister of India