State of the world's cities 2008/2009: harmonious cities
This UN report adopts the concept of "harmonious cities" as a theoretical framework in order to understand today
This UN report adopts the concept of "harmonious cities" as a theoretical framework in order to understand today
The global economy is threatened with a deep and prolonged recession as a consequence of the financial meltdown that began with the housing price crisis in the United States.
The following guidelines are offered to help in application of the IUCN protected area management categories, which classify
The Ministry of Food Processing Industries, GOI, has declared 2008-09 as Food safety and Quality Year. Food safety implies absence or safe levels of various of kinds of contaminants. Sources of food contamination include harmful chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides, preservatives, colouring agents, additives, adulterants etc.
There has been considerable research into the critical role that forests play in regulating climate. There is also a growing body of evidence pointing to the significant negative impacts that climate change itself is likely to have on forests, especially in relation to the way that forests interact with the planet
This paper focuses on only one piece of this complex challenge: the ways in which conservation action has been informed, and should be informed, by the interaction between ecological scale and governance. The published literature does not provide much guidance
This paper aims to summarize India?s policies and measures to address climate change, and to introduce major determinants and consequences of that policy, as well as the actors involved in the policy process. An overview of sector-based mitigation policies is also given.
This report documents a scenario analysis exploring the role of advanced technology in stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. The conceptual framework for the analysis is a set of technology futures implemented in the MiniCAM integrated assessment model. Each future describes a set of technological developments over the 21st century, with a focus on the energy system.
This report aims to evaluate the impacts of climate change on both hydrologic regimes and water resources of the Upper Blue Nile River Basin in Ethiopia where observed hydrologic data are limited. The downstream countries of the Nile River Basin are sensitive to the variability of runoff from the Ethiopian part of the basin.
The National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) describes the features of National Water Mission as under: A National Water Mission will be mounted to ensure integrated water resource management helping to conserve water, minimize wastage and ensure more equitable distribution both across and within states.
The Prime Minister has unveiled the National Action Plan for Climate Change on 30-06-2008 wherein eight missions including National Water Mission were launched. This Report is formed for the Sub-committee on Policy and Institutional Framework as established by the High Level Steering Committee of the National Water Mission headed by Secretary (Water Resources).
Until recently, most assessments of the impact of climate change on the food and agriculture sector have focused on the implications for production and global supply of food, with less consideration of other components of the food chain. This paper takes a broader view and explores the multiple effects that global warming and climate change could have on food
In Syria water harvesting is not much adopted by farmers. One of the reasons is that the agricultural research and extension support services in Syria lack specific and systematic knowledge on potential areas and suitable locations for water harvesting.
This report captures a number of the good practices that emerged during the UN tsunami response in South India. The document represents part of the efforts to build and develop the UN
This paper is a compilation of example principles, frameworks and tools already in use in the conservation community which may be applied to bioenergy production to identify and reduce environmental as well as socio-economic risks and promote opportunties.
Environment management is a significant challenge in developing countries mainly due to lack of strong legislation to control wastewater and institutional capacity for integrated planning and management. This paper describes the importance of small scale
REDD is designed to reward those who deforest, not those who already protect the forests. It also has several significant inbuilt flaws that mean it is most unlikely to have a positive impact on climate change. In particular, it permits the replacement of natural tropical forest with plantations; and it would increase net emissions of carbon to the atmosphere if carbon offsetting were involved.
A reference is invited to the prefatory remarks in Report No. CA 9 of 2008