Coastal management zone notification '08: the last nail in the coffin
The objectives of the Coastal Management Zone Notification '08 are peppered with politically correct terms -
The objectives of the Coastal Management Zone Notification '08 are peppered with politically correct terms -
In the United States to date, most of the first genuine steps toward addressing the challenge of climate change have taken place at the state level. Many states have proceeded in a meaningful, comprehensive fashion while the federal government struggles to take its first significant step toward legislative or regulatory action. Yet it is clear that these state actions, even when taken together, are not enough to put the United States on a course to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the level deemed necessary by the science.
All agricultural commodities covered in this report are of critical importance to global food and feed markets. They constitute much of the world's food consumption, generate income to farmers and represent the largest portion of food import expenditures across the world. The analysis in the report puts in perspective market developments in recent months with a view to providing some insights into how the outlook might unfold for the commodities covered during the coming months.
The current biofuel policies of rich countries are neither a solution to the climate crisis nor the oil crisis, and instead are contributing to a third: the food crisis. In poor countries, biofuels may offer some genuine development opportunities, but the potential economic, social, and environmental costs are severe, and decision makers should proceed with caution.
The international climate negotiations have seen endless struggles between countries from South and North for almost 17 years, ever since the initiation of negotiations by the International Negotiation Committee for the UNFCCC.
Changes in extreme weather and climate events have significant impacts and are among the most serious challenges to society in coping with a changing climate. This report provides current assessments of climate change science to inform public debate, policy, and operational decisions.
The Garnaut Climate Change Review was required to examine the impacts of climate change on the Australian economy, and to recommend medium- to long-term policies and policy frameworks to improve the prospects of sustainable prosperity. This draft report describes the methodology that the Review is applying to the: evaluation of the costs and benefits of climate change mitigation; application of the science of climate change to Australia; international context of Australian mitigation, and Australian mitigation policy.
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a popular tourist destination in India. This has meant a slew of proposals to expand and intensify tourism, huge investment in infrastructure, improved connectivity and relaxation on Leave Travel Concession (LTC) for domestic tourists. However, these plans are not based on how tourism impacts the Islands.
This report offers a comprehensive analysis of a suite of climate policy initiatives associated with a cap and trade program with the goal of identifying those empirical and design issues that most influence the economic consequences of their enactment. Empirically, present-value policy costs heavily depend on the actual outcomes of household consumption-saving and labor-leisure decisions, the magnitudes of and any induced changes in sectoral demand elasticities and technological trends, and the resulting time paths of permit prices and market interest rates.
This report traces Beijing's 60-year transformation from relative water abundance to water crisis, and the main policy responses to keep water flowing to China's capital. Official data indicates that Beijing's population growth, industrial development, and its expansion of irrigated farmland have driven huge increases in water consumption since 1949. The report also argues that drought and rapid demand growth aren't the only factors behind the water crisis. Short-sighted policies since 1949 have degraded Beijing's watershed and promoted the over-use of limited water resources.
Any successful program of action on climate change must support two objectives
While occurrences of water bodies (rivers and canals;reservoirs, tanks and ponds; beels, oxbow lakes and derelict water; and brackish water) across the country depend upon physiographic settings and rainfall conditions, the recharging of the water
CRZ clearance of intake and disposal facility for proposed 2 X 330 MW Thermal power plant at village Tunda, Ta. Mundra district, Kachchh by M/s Adani Power Limited (29 May, 2008).
This publication highlights the importance of sustainable agriculture not only to preserve biodiversity, but also to ensure that will be able to feed the world, maintain agricultural livelihoods, and enhance human well being into the 21st century and beyond.
This is a rapid EIA report of M/s Shree Rupanadham Steel (P) limited, village
Dr. ARIJIT PASAYAT, J. 1. I.A. 1901 of 2005 relates to the land situated in Aravalli Range. Challenge basically is to the communication dated 31.1.2005 by the Divisional Forest officer, Faridabad requesting the Commissioner, Faridabad, the Administration Haryana, Urban Development Authority (in short the `HUDA') and the District Town Planner, Faridabad
Agriculture represents a core part of the Indian economy and provides food and livelihood activities to much of the Indian population. While the magnitude of impact varies greatly by region, climate change is expected to impact on agricultural productivity and shifting crop patterns. The policy implications are wide-reaching, as changes in agriculture could affect
Letter to B C Mishra, Uttrakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam, Dehradun on Dhari Devi relocation dated 09/06/2008.
This set of Recommendations has emanated from a two-day National Workshop on Critical Tiger Habitats and Critical Wildlife Habitats held at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) on 8th and 9th May 2008.
<p>This report is a notification dealing with the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Wild Life (Protection) Rules, 2008.</p>