Integrating biofuel and rural renewable energy production in agriculture for poverty reduction in the Greater Mekong Subregion
High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns, and environmental issues
High fossil fuel prices, energy security concerns, and environmental issues
This SEI Working Paper explores social learning about climate adaptation in relation to the architecture of climate governance. It compares the potential for social learning at the international level with a local perspective based on preliminary results from a case study of climate adaptation in the Stockholm region, Sweden.
The Programme of National 3R Strategy Development was initiated as one of the outcomes of the Ministerial Conference on the 3R Initiative held in Tokyo, Japan, in March 2005.
This report covers the range of topics evaluated by Working Group I of the IPCC, namely the Physical Science Basis.
This report consists of four main sections. In the first part, it presents data from the national GHG inventories of a number of developing Asian countries, identifies the main sources of GHG emissions from the waste sector, and analyses the national climate strategies of selected countries. Secondly, the report presents data on the potential climate benefits of the 3Rs. It
The Challenges of Environmental Mainstreaming
Global climate change will have inevitable consequences and implications for the humanitarian community. Although specific outcomes are unclear, it is certain that the world will experience significant transformations in the next 20 years, and that currently vulnerable populations will be among those most affected.
This paper makes an attempt to enquire into the politics of state-business relations, how it has affected industrial development in general, and expansion of the manufacturing sector in the State of Andhra Pradesh (AP) in particular.
Public interest litigation has historically been an innovative judicial procedure for enhancing the social and economic rights of disadvantaged and marginalized groups in India. In recent years, however, a number of criticisms of public interest litigation have emerged, including concerns related to separation of powers, judicial capacity, and inequality.
This is a WHO monograph on selected medicinal plants describing their quality control and use. It contains two parts: the first provides pharmacopoeial summaries for quality assurance purposes; and the second describes the clinical applications of the plant material.
This book considers how gender issues are entwined with people
Public interest litigation has historically been an innovative judicial procedure for enhancing the social and economic rights of disadvantaged and marginalized groups in India. In recent years, however, a number of criticisms of public interest litigation have emerged, including concerns related to separation of powers, judicial capacity, and inequality.
The India Integrated Coastal Zone Management Project is proposed to be implemented by Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, the Forests & Environment Department, Government of Gujarat, the Forests & Environment Department,
The National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) is a social safety net program that provides employment to over 35 million households and has an annual budget of Rs 39,000 crores/
This document describes the methodology used in a recent project to measure pollutant emission factors and conduct detailed characterization of particulate matter (PM) emitted by
These are the survey findings by Ministry of Science and Technology on water challenges faced by the Indian states. Has mapped the available sources of water in selected villages all across India, the differing water challenges and has also assessed the willingness of impacted population to pay to develop internal revenue and recovery models.
A discussion paper on issues of water and sanitation one year after the 'Delhi Declaration', and one year before SACOSAN IV in Sri Lanka in 2010, South Asian civil society organisations and networks are assessing governments' progress.
The Unified Traffic and Transportation Infrastructure (Planning and Engineering) Centre (UTTIPEC) has come up with the first of its kind pedestrian design guidelines to ensure that walking in the city becomes safe and a pleasurable experience.
WHO has introduced Water Safety Plan (WSP) in the 3rd Edition of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality to provide a systematic approach for improving and maintaining drinking water safety.
This report reviews the