Report on peoples audit of SEZs in Maharashtra
This report is in two parts. The first part is the summary report which gives a brief introduction to the SEZs under scrutiny in the Maharashtra People
This report is in two parts. The first part is the summary report which gives a brief introduction to the SEZs under scrutiny in the Maharashtra People
This paper reviews 41 National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs) submitted by Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and identifies the range of interventions included in countries
This document contains reordered and/or consolidated sections of the revised negotiating text (FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/INF.1) prepared by facilitators during and after the informal meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA) held in Bonn, Germany, on 10
This booklet captures some key developments in agricultural biotechnology in Africa. Contrary to the strongly held belief that the continent is not ready to embrace new technologies, much has been accomplished in agricultural biotechnology.
Thomas Sterner speech at the University of Gothenburg on climate change.
Letter to Inspector General of Forests (MOEF) from deputy secretary to the Govt. of Gujarat on diversion of 1840 ha. and 168.41 ha. of reserved forest land for development of port based Special Economic
Supreme court order dated 3rd September, 2009 contained in the Record of Proceedings of the Court dated 28th August, 2009, passed in the Interlocutory Applications Nos.275-77, 316, 317 etc. etc. in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 13029 of 1985 on advertisement policy suggested by the EPCA.
The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) has developed an innovative approach to solving the problem of climate change. A key component is an agreement between the community of states regarding a cap for the total amount of
This is a draft of
<p>The popular Guide on Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples aims to enhance indigenous peoples knowledge on climate change so that indigenous peoples will be better equipped to participate more effectively in shaping relevant policies and actions taken to address this issue.
The estimates for additional investments needed in developing countries to tackle the mitigation challenge are far beyond the currently available resources.
This study is founded on the essential fact of climate science, that restricting carbon dioxide emissions to tolerable levels is essential to avoid the drastic and irreversible consequences of a global increase in temperatures beyond 2
This paper reviews the methods and technologies for congestion pricing of roads. Congestion tolls can be implemented at scales ranging from individual lanes on single links to national road networks. Tolls can be differentiated by time of day, road type and vehicle characteristics, and even set in real time according to current traffic conditions.
This analysis investigates the ability of nonmotorized travel (walking, cycling) to help achieve transportation planning objectives. It indicates that nonmotorized travel provides significant benefits, and that these benefits can increase with cost effective incentives.
As the climate changes during the 21st century, larger cyclonic storm surges and growing populations may collide in disasters of unprecedented size. As conditions worsen, variations in coastal morphology will magnify the effects in some areas, while largely insulating others.
The report makes suggestions for the rethinking of the relationships between transport and climate change. Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Center team was engaged to identify the five "think-pieces" on how to address transport and climate change issues.
Rapidly increasing emissions of carbon dioxide from the transport sector, particularly in urban areas, is a major
This discussion paper presents some early findings from the study on Emerging Asia contribution on issues of technology for Copenhagen. It is part of an ongoing research and dialogue among five key Asian developing countries, namely China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand. The objective is to contribute to the forthcoming UNFCCC
The post-Copenhagen world requires a fresh look at the big picture. In the absence of international agreements, what steps can be taken nationally, regionally and locally to reduce both carbon emissions and carbon concentrations?